Thank You! Yes, You!

Thank you, whoever is reading this. You are taking time for yourself, thank you! You deserve a smile right now.

Sometimes we keep asking how much crappier can it possibly get as if we are taunting all the potential that Hell can unleash fur fun.

We are at a time of asking, how amazing can it get? We are all exhausted with the current worldwide evaluation so posing a positive potential can be a welcome alternative.

No one wants to be miserable and lonely. All of us have the same basic need of love. Let that integral commonality be our human bond.

We can easily get offended by something another says or does without taking the critical thinking moment to consider what it is about ourselves that feels offended and why.

For example; I was getting annoyed at hearing my in-laws continually telling me how well I was filling out. It’s really easy to be offended and most would agree for it to be justifiable. The other alternative is to consider what it is about that which makes me feel annoyed or offended. When I took an honest review of my feelings and thoughts it became apparent I was feeling sensitive about my recent weight gain.

That realization forced me to either take action and create the body shape I would feel comfortable in or quit body shaming myself and love myself regardless of the size as long as I am happy and healthy.

Our lives are so short in comparison to time and therefore our existence must have quality for ourselves and our surroundings or why even exist? For some selfish pleasures? For the experience of life.

One thing I learned while fading in and out of consciousness was we are all energy and there is a pure energy source accompanying us on our souls individual journeys.

Let’s make this journey count as one conscious decision to evolve beyond our current repetition of archaic beliefs and actions.

What is beyond our current excuse of allowing our current situation to exist and for history to repeat itself because it’s always been that way? We can do better than this and we know it deep down.

There is a gnawing pressure on our conscious that our way of life is not sustainable. Who can really deny that wholeheartedly? It can be so overwhelming though, that it can almost seem inevitable. It’s far less complicated to just give in and trudge along until something actually affects our personal way of life. Until then it’s always someone else’s problem.

Often by the time something or someone we personally care about is affected, no one is there to hear. It too falls upon hollow ears, leaving us feeling isolated and abused, with no where left to turn. Giving up becomes the only logical option, so, broken inside we retreat.

This repetitive build-up, fight for resources, tear down, suffer, revolution, total collapse, rebuild, and then rinse and repeat is what we proudly call human existence.

This has certainly met the clear definition of insanity, yet here we are, ready to rinse and repeat because humanity obviously hasn’t learned otherwise.

We are going to willingly allow history to repeat itself because that’s how it’s always been and that’s the best we can knowingly do.

Because of people like yourself, I believe we are ready for something different and fulfilling. Life is what we make it so let’s make it something we can be proud of as humanity. We begin by taking the personal steps of reflection and growth.

Again, thank you for finding the insight and curiosity inside of yourself that makes you that beautiful human you are and who you consciously choose to be. Take the time for yourself to celebrate you. There is only one of you, so enjoy and learn from those unique experiences from your perspective. We exist to explore, so let’s journey together.

Thank you.

Is Filling The Gap Our Purpose In Life?

What are we seeking? Is there an objective to all of this daily grind we call life? Everyone has a purpose, surely. Humanity as a whole could reflect on why we exist and possibly shift us into a purpose driven perspective.

2000 years ago the concept to love one another was provided as a goal and how well have we done so far? Are we stewards and defenders of this land we’ve been granted dominion over? Yet how many in positions of power and decisions claim to be followers of such beliefs and fail to protect as they would their defenseless child?

What are we accomplishing in all sincerity? Have we made the world a better place for all of life?

If all of the greed was satiated, what could be possible? If everyone had exactly what they think they needed to be fulfilled, what would the world look like?

What would bring us joy? How would we spend our time? What would our purpose be?

Do people that seemingly have it all feel fulfilled or do they have a gap inside that cannot find peace regardless of what they do?

It’s that hole that seemingly perseveres through all of humanity without discrimination. I am curious if it is possible to fulfill for all?

Can it be religious when the country’s that claim to be guided by religious beliefs cause the most conflict and suffering? Shouldn’t those countries be leading by example?

Those in positions of power and decisions in many religions are plagued with failures to adhere to their own beliefs. Some even create their own religion in an effort to make their version of utopia. This inconsistency creates doubt and questions the nature of humanity and if it’s even possible to live without strife.

The utopian experiments for mice all ended in complete death. Since they didn’t have to work for their keep the entire population would eventually die off. They had a mouse utopia with plenty of food and water, more than enough space and they kept it clean for the mice as well. No matter what, each experiment ended with them all dying off.

I would like to assume we are more complex than mice and able to thrive in such an environment, but would we?

Would enlightenment solve this conundrum? Is it even possible to have some form of universal enlightenment? What would that look like?